What is SCMT Filter in AO Smith Water Purifiers?

If you have read or researched about any high-end RO water purifier from AO Smith then you may have come across a term called SCMT.
Not sure what an SCMT filter is?
SCMT filter is a patented and one-of-a-kind water purification filter from AO Smith.
It is the final stage of purification in AO Smith RO purifiers and functions more or less like a UV disinfection chamber.
If it functions like UV purification, why not use UV then?
Because it does what UV does + a lot more.
You’ll see that in a few moments.
But first, have a look at what the SCMT filter is.
The SCMT stands for Silver Charged Membrane Technology.
And as the name suggests, this filter contains actual silver particles.
Yes, you read that right.
After the grand success of Sona Chandi Chyawanprash, now here we have the Chandi ka filter :).
Jokes apart, the SCMT filter does contain actual silver particles.
As the water passes through this filter, the anti-microbial nature of silver eliminates a range of microbial contaminants present in water.

SCMT provides protection from microbial contaminants like viruses, bacteria, cysts, particulates, colloids, endotoxins, and phosphates.
SCMT Vs UV – Which is Better?
Have a look at the below-given comparison of SCMT with UV and UF.

As you can see, AO Smith’s SCMT filter is far superior compared to UV and UF filters.
No other water purifier brand uses any filter, like AO Smith’s SCMT, with actual silver particles.
List of AO Smith RO Water Purifiers with SCMT Filter
What do you think of this unique and innovative filter technology from AO Smith?
Do let us know your thoughts and queries in the comment section.
Why you do not provide alkaline featutre with hot and normal water feature with P7 model ?